Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Well, theres gotta be a first post posted SOMETIME

so, this is what I'm planning to do with this blog. I will be away for a pretty long time, and I'll probably be out of touch with most of you, my friends. Therefore, this blog shall be dedicated to you guys finding out what I am doing half a globe away. That way if I'm out of touch with you, those interested can still follow what I'll be doing overseas. I want to share my experiences with you, post photos, post journals, post memories for all of you to feast on. Well, in case you aren't clear as to where/what I'll be going/doing, I am going to be in China for the next full year. a full 12-13 months of being abroad. First I will be in mainland China, most likely working for some company, earning valuable experience. This will happen until the semester starts in early september, in Hong Kong Polytechic University, where I will be an exchange student for an ENTIRE year. I will (hopefully) be posting often on this, and (hopefully) you guys will avidly follow my every word :D. So, just setting this thing up so I won't forget. Plus I'm taking a break from memorizing modern design things. Well, it's still about T-minus 30 days until I depart, but I guess until then I won't be posting much. That's it for now.