Friday, May 14, 2010


So, I landed yesterday about 5 PM local time, 5 AM Eastern time. The plane ride, shortly put, was grueling. But now it's over. My plane ride consisted mostly of me attempting to sleep and failing every single time, listening to music, and writing my thoughts down. Here's something I typed down on the way from San Francisco to Shanghai. Admittedly, I was a little cranky, having had no sleep and virtually no escape from noticing every little annoying thing that got on my nerves. Here goes:

~9PM Pacific Time

I can see that this ‘adventure’ is nothing I have come to expect. Like I’ve stated earlier, this part of my life was not planned, and was not predicted. Who knew that something like this is actually happening? I keep on thinking that this isn’t supposed to happen, and that I would drop out of existence at any minute. I have never felt like this before in my entire life. I don’t know, I just see this ‘chapter’ in my life to be too surreal, and not feasible. Maybe my foresight is just that limited. It’s really bothering me. I don’t have any ‘big’ thing to happen in my life. I guess it’s a by-product of me giving up on pretty much everything that I think life should be living for. I have bleak hopes about finding ‘love’. I don’t even know how to imagine what that would be like, because I am so foreign to it. There is this guy who keeps on opening the damn window, trying to look outside. I find that to be very very annoying. First of all, people are trying to sleep. Second of all, THERE IS NOTHING TO SEE. Third of all, he does it like every 5 minutes, and its super super annoying. I guess he’s really bored. I still get to piss on him though because what he’s doing is very annoying. Well, I am 6 hours into this flight, and we're JUST past one-third of the way there. This is indeed going to be a long ride. GAAAH I can’t stand being in one spot for this long. I can’t even ‘wander about’ because so many damn people are standing around playing with their dicks or waiting for the bathroom. NO WALKING AISLES. DAMMIT I am losing my nerve. Must keep self control. I’m almost there. Hopefully I can eat a decent traditional Chinese fast food meal when I get there. SPEAKING of meals. It seems that the food they server on airplanes just get worse and worse. They served us meat loaf, and it was the most un-tasting-like meatloaf meatloaf I have ever had. It kinda tasted like a cross between overcooked hamburger and saltiness. The mashed potatoes had corn in it, and it tasted more like a bland mixture of over-watered grits than potatoes. The only decent thing about the meal was the salad, and when I say salad I mean it comprised of only lettuce, which means the only decent thing about the salad was the ranch dressing. You really can’t get a pre-packaged dressing wrong. At least I hope not. So this is me in the middle of the flight. I’ll update a little later. Gotta save some battery because I gotta recharge my Zune too lol

Yeah so now its about 9 AM here, and I'm starting to get a little tired again. I woke up around 5:30 AM this morning, and I know that this jet lag thing is going to kick me in the ass.


  1. Your comments about love have always been really weird to me. I guess I was too drunk to say anything about it that time we hung out, but the strangeness of your comment about how you would never find anyone has stuck with me. I wanted to pursue the topic further but the school year ended and now you're in China.

    Also you're lucky the airline fed you at all. Those guys don't provide shit for anyone.

    < / rambling>

  2. haha well it's a 16 hour they'd better feed us or we die. yeah sorry i tend to talk about the topic of 'love' a lot....

  3. The topic of love is interesting, though. Or, other peoples' thoughts on this topic are interesting to me.
    Be prepared, when you get back I'm going to (try to) be sober and then I'm going to ask you about it. We can hang out in the Waffle House, though it isn't quite like a Quiznos.

  4. Hey Kuan. Miss you a lot already! It seems so weird to me that you're on the other side of the world right now. I wonder if you have a mailing address; I like to send letters cause I think its nice to get them back. Anyway, I don't like flying really either, but that "everything's amazing nobody's happy" guy I told you about had something interesting to say about the subject: even if flying is boring, it's pretty amazing that it's possible now to go halfway across the world in 16 hours--- I mean, that used to be a HUGE thing-- as in people spent their whole lives moving from one place to another. On the way, people in your group would be born and die; you might be an entirely different group of people by the time you get there haha. Anyway, I hope you're having a great time so far and I look forward to your updates!
