Monday, May 3, 2010


I am a person who never was the best at anything, but is good at many many things. I think it's a curse and a blessing. I honestly wish that I could find that one thing that I'm really really good at. I don't have one. I guess the term for people like me is "jack of all trades, but a master of none". I'm above average at school but I struggle enough to keep me under, I'm pretty good at video games but can't confidently do amazing at any of them (halo mw2 dota smash etc), I'm ok at piano but no prodigy, I like to write but never anything that amazes, so on and so on. It's sad really, to have a knack for a lot of things but can never find a firm grasp on any of them. I find good friends, but none that really stick that close. I guess it's what fate has brought me. Other people will strive and march far into their focuses, whereas I will only linger by the gates. It's like what my high school literature teacher said, "you can go a mile wide and only an inch deep, or you can go an inch wide but a mile deep". People who are successful in this society usually are the ones who go an inch wide and a mile deep; I am the former, having a hand in many things, but never too skilled in becoming a master of anything.

Yes yes I know this type of stuff doesn't fit the theme of this blog, but really, sometimes I just want to put my thoughts to paper (digital paper, for you politically correct people)


  1. It is oh so unfortunate the timing of this effluence.

  2. I feel like this a lot... I mean when I think about it. Except, there aren't nearly as many things for me as there are for you that I'm even "okay" at. I'm sure that travelling will feel like a breath of fresh air. I mean, you won't escape yourself and your shortcomings, but it will feel nice to pop the Georgia bubble. Anyway, as much as you would love to be a prodigy, a lot of people would love to be as talented as you are. So remember that next time you feel like crapping on your achievements :).

  3. It is difficult not to latch on to other's visions, passions and talents, but you are not someone else. You are the best at being you. No one else on earth can ever be as good as you are at being you.

    If you want to be better at something, you have to focus on it. Just as "two things cannot occupy the same space at the same time", choosing one thing to invest your time in necessarily excludes other opportunities. The better you know who you are, the easier it is to choose what to focus on. I encourage you to do the best you can at whatever you choose to do.
