Saturday, May 15, 2010

settling in (pt. 1)

So much to write about, and I haven't even been here for 4 days. Where to start....

In an attempt to rid of my boredom and keeping my jet lag back, yesterday I impulsed on a journey to the heart of Shanghai, the People's Square. This area is a central shopping district as well as a prime tourist location. It includes landmarks such as the Shanghai Museum, and major shopping districts. In short, it's shopaholic heaven. Anything you would ever want to buy, it's in this area. And if you get tired from all that browsing and shopping, you can then decide to relax in the millions of coffee places, cafes, restaurants and fill your hunger/caffeine fix/alcoholism. Anyway, so I took the metro there (it was about 7 stops), and right as I got out, it starts to rain. DAMMIT. Thankfully the weather isn't cold, and I'm thick-skinned enough to endure the inclement weather. Well, the upside is that I got some photos out of this (not as many as I'd liked, didn't want to ruin the camera see), but overall it wasn't that bad of an experience. I saw LOTS of foreign tourists, who were also brave enough to tough out the rain. Either that or they just got rained on like me haha. I have some photos uploaded, but I think in the future I'll still post some with these posts (to make it pretty here :D), but I'd rather upload them onto flickr so I can make some photostreams or something.

I apologize now for the lengthy post: there is just so much to cover.

So, yes, jet lag is still forcing me to have 12 hours of sleep a night (I'm not complaining), and waking up in the wee hours of morning. I have never realized that a day was so long, given the life of a Tech student (you know how it goes). There are so many opportunities to do things, to explore, to reflect. I know right now that I'm going to make the most of my time, no longer loitering around in the home anymore like I used to.

So come Saturday, I wake up around 7:30 AM ish, on weekend mornings is usually when my dad goes and plays some badminton at the local school gym (there is a badminton club there). So naturally, I tag along. I discovered that I really want to improve my game, because then there would be something else to brag about haha. Saturday was also the day that I had a really really delicious Chinese morning meal. I had real beef ramen soup (mmmmm) and a green onion and egg-fried pancake (mmmmmmmm). So good. I could eat this stuff for the rest of my life. Sorry I don't have photos of this delicious cuisine, but there will be, soon to come.

ok ok, well, I'm getting pretty tired, so I'll cut this short. I'll sort out the photos tomorrow in the morning. Good night guys (well its probably noon time for you guys when I post this)

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